I was wondering what everyone's opinions were on cams with infrared vs a traditional flash. Ive heard of deer being spooked by flash but looking at alot of pictures on here it doesn't seem to bother them. Any ideas?
I like infrared myself because even though some deer in the pictures here haven't spooked some have from my cameras. To each is own though just like everything else!
Honestly, my deer stand and stare at my IR cams just as much as the white-flash cams. I think that deer are individules and flash, IR or otherwise, will bother some deer and not others. The one thing I have found to be true is if you put some sort of attractant down, they focus more on that than the cameras. Blessings.......Pastorjim
I agree with this, I went Ir for months and got many black and white shots of deer looking at the cam and prefer the color flash shots I get at night. My cam goes off every 20 seconds with white flash or Ir and I can get up to ten shots of one buck with either one going off. Last year I set my cam on a 1 second delay. I got a buck coming in, paw the ground rub its face on the upper limbs and pee in the scrape and leave. It all happened in 7 seconds I feel you should do what you like best.
yes some deer react to ir flash the second video was from a cam 13 feet off the ground and i never got another pic or video of him in this spot,just saying http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6qpx1OclZc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IFtcBNOOP0&NR=1
Those are some cool videos! Ive heard of some IR cameras having a loud click when they go off was that the case with this one?
Thanks! I think ill buy a cam with the traditional flash now. Ive just never liked the IR quality compared to the flash. I just like seeing them big boys in color!!
I was afraid that was going to be from a Primos camera. I had some similar reactions and some that didn't care
Flash doesn't spook the deer in my area. I sure hate all the blurry pictures of the IR when the deer move at night. I have a Stealth Rouge that clicks right before the IR goes off and once again after it quits taking pictures at night. It is pretty loud. I still think the biggest culprit is noise when talking IR or Flash with spooking deer. Check your cameras before you set them out. If it makes a noise... get rid of it or be prepared to spook deer. Tim
I would have never noticed it unless i was in video mode,the cam was 15 yards from the deer and high in a tree, my other cams are dead silent and the deer still pick them off with the glow of the ir red glow. In still mode they dont seem too maybe because the flash is so quick they may not pick up on it. I will say some deer dont seem to care and others do and it always seems to be a big deer that see it and does not return to the same trail while others come back over and over. I would like to add it's just like hunting the more you visit your cam just like your stand site the more deer you will tip off and change there patterns,and the easyist deer to hunt is the deer that doesnt know there being hunted.
you should look at a bunch of cam review sites and why they make so many of the same models they are not all equal. I have have 4 bushnells and all four defective returns.never again though. it cant all be my bad luck.
I have seen some great shots from a Trophy cam but I have never owned one. I set my cams in the house for a few days to check them out before I use them. Wife loves that lol. I had one in the back yard once and when it flashed I thought it was lightening, until I remembered the cam was set in the yard. I wonder if deer think the same thing?