I just bought a used Shakespear take down bow at local antique store. It is marked 56" and 50# draw, d32522. It does not have a string and I can't find any info on how long it should be. The bow is from 1973-74 and has a magnesium riser with laminated limbs. It is in good cond. showing no problems. I only paid $30 for it, so it's worth a string. It also has a hunter rest installed. Any one have any recomendations as to how long and what kind? Anyone know what it's worth? I've been using a compound for years, but a recurve is what I learned on back in the 60's. I want to get back into it. Thanks, Stu
A recurve's string should be 4" shorter than the AMO length, so your 56" bow would take a 52" string. For 50#s you would want a 12-14 strand B-50 Dacron string. If you have a longer draw length it will probably pinch your fingers pretty good. You can find string makers on Ebay. Not sure about what it's worth, but it is definitely worth what you have in it. Nice find for sure