I just finished my indoor league, and we utilize handicap scoring. I have mixed feeling about it. I understant the premise, and I also understand that if we didn't use it we wouldn't have as many shooters. If guys that don't shoot as well as others don't even have a chance at winning, they won't shoot. With the handicap, they defintely stand a chance at winning. I think the guys the handicap system hurts most is the guys that shoot well. I held a 196 average, so I had little to no rooom to improve that average. But a guy that starts out holding a 160 average......he has a lot of room to go up. Shoot, that guy could even shoot UNDER his average 1 week and not be out of it. But not the guys that shoot upper 190's. We're the ones the pressure is really on. We simply cannot shoot below average and hope to come out on top. So I understand both sides of it, and I'm not against it at all. It evens the playing field and adds to the fun, so I'm all for it. I do think it would be fun to shoot heads up with some of those guys though. Top score at the end wins, period. What do ya'll think? What are your thoughts regarding the handicap?
That sums it up well. I don't personally like them, but I also know that a lot of the guys I enjoy hanging out with and BSing with at our local indoor leagues wouldn't be there if they had to compete heads up against some of the better shooters. What kinda indoor were you shooting mobo if a 196 is on top? Do you mean indoor 3D or spots?