I made all of you guys an invitation... http://campaign.r20.constantcontact...1IUGhY6q6Etegtq5sDBz7nBihYFJ28me4X&id=preview
Unless Fitz is too scared to accept, the terms of our challenge are: If he loses, he has to use an Avatar I choose until 9/1/2013; and If I lose, I have to host him for a hunt in 2015 (takes two bonus points and a tag). Here is what Fitz will be sporting:
Ok here is the bet between Pat and I... Which ever one of us does not shoot a buck first between Pat and I has to wear either a pink with white lettering or a black with pink lettering (loser chooses) Monster Raxx T Shirt during the bow shoot for the 2013 Bowhunting.com GTG.
You need to text in regards to threads outside of the water cooler. You know this. And you're on. BTW, you actually live where big bucks do. I suck because of a lack of targets. You just suck.
I thought we had agreed already, even though I can only shoot one buck I'll sport your avatar if that's how you'd rather go. On a completely different note, I was looking for things to do in Iowa outside of hunting in the fall... I couldn't find anything.