Seeing alot more buck activity this past weekend. Saw a real nice 3.5 year old 8 point. I shot a really old scrub buck and my grandpa killed a 2.5 year old 8 point this morning. Hope everyone else is seeing deer.
We havn't been seeing many bucks at our place. But that being said we typically hold a lot of does and when the ruts hit the bucks usually hit up our place. maybe in another week or so it will get better
Ntjohnson congrats!!!! Pics ? Well it went from 30 this morn to 70 now, my hopes went down but im in tree anyway!
This is my buck. I had higher hopes for this year, but any old deer is a trophy on public ground. There's grandpa's buck. He was just estatic about it. His first deer in archery season in God knows how long.
Well boys, its almost time. Slipped into my spot today after work, for an hour and a halfs worth of hunting, to see what was happening. Bucks are definitely pushing some does around. Saw a real nice 9 ive been after all summer and fall pushing 2 does around and saw another younger buck, following on the tail of a doe. Get this rain and warmer air out of here, and this weekend and next week should be pretty dern good, in my opinion
Should be getting to be that time here very soon. I'll be chasing ducks this weekend but I'm excited to see the big ones start dropping in the next couple weeks.
Hitting the road for Ohio county in the morning. I am hoping for some good movement this weekend and hopfully I can come home with some meat for the freezer. Maybe even a good buck.
Head down your way in the morning bloodcrick to hit a peice of ground i have not been on yet this year.. Should be great morning after this front moves through.
Anybody have any luck this morning? I figured after the storms yesterday they would be moving around this morning but I saw nothing. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Conditions were great... apparently the deer did not get the memo because I as well did not see a single deer...
I was out this morning, didn't see a damn thing. Running a dog house ground blind out at Roush Lake in Huntington, IN south of Fort Wayne.
Going out tomo morning for a couple hours hopefully things turn around. Had a few people tell me they were moving tonight but I wasn't able to get out myself. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
So here is how crappy my weekend was: Im hunting off Roush Lake in Huntington, IN. Had a nice blind brushed in off a cornfield on the southwest side of the lake. Saturday go out, kinda windy, didn't see much and blind is in perfect condition. I leave and come back sunday morning and someone decided to put 2 broadhead holes in my blind and put 3 2foot+ slashes into it and a 4 ft slash in one of the zip-up windows. So this obviously happened Saturday afternoon. When I put my blind up a week before this I walked the whole cornfield and back into the woods, pretty much 150 yards in any direction of my blind, and saw no other stands / blinds / etc. So why someone has to do stuff like this just to be a **** I have no clue, but hopefully he/she will get their's one day. I was very tempted to patch it, and sit across the corn field sunday afternoon and wait to see if the person came back that way again, but decided to take the high road as anytime I hunt public land I'm always carrying my XD40 and decided not to get myself in trouble, lol. Lesson learned, but I had a feeling this would happen which is why I bought a cheaper dog house blind when it was on sale. I will probably be able to fix it up with some Gorilla camo duct tape. Oh and the worst part. So I sat out til 9ish and was just pissed and couldn't sit still so I called it an early day. Went and dropped my equipment back off at my vehicle and then went back to pack up the blind. AND GUESS WHAT... sure enough there is a very nice 8pt with 8-9" tines walking 50 yards out from my blind, and now I dont have my bow... if the damage to the blind wasn't enough, lol. Very unpleasant weekend.
On another note, I still don't think the bucks are chasing much yet and no where near rut. I'm seeing alot more daytime buck activity as I feel the bucks are breaking their nockturnal habits, but still not getting up on the does yet. I'm think rut is still gonna be 2+ weeks out til peak.
The buck I shot Saturday morning had his nose to the ground and seemed to be on a mission. I could hear him sniffing from about twenty yards away. The does may not be quite ready yet, but the bucks are starting to cruise it seems.
^ I was able to fix this last night. The camo Gorilla tape worked very well and its doesn't look to bad either. Gonna keep a roll of this stuff around at all times now.
I just hunted Ohio county for 4 days. It seems like the younger deer are out during the day but the big guys are just now starting to break the nocturnal habits according to my cameras. We had a decent amount of scrapes but I only saw 2 small rubs. I think we are still a week off in my area from things really heating up. I will be back down on the 15th to hunt and I am sure it will be in full swing by then!