I started bowhunting last hunting season and I seem to get inconsistent shot groups. I shoot left handed and I always seem to leave two arrows to the right. I want to be able to tighten up my shot groups but I have no idea what I am doing wrong.
Practice practice practice. Work on your form and I found shooting with other people really helped me.
I had a similar problem last year sighting in my crossbow. I finally figured out that the 2 bolts that ended up shooting inconsistently were the same 2 every time. You should find a way to mark your arrows. The easiest way would be to just number them with a sharpie. If it's the same 2 arrows shooting to the right every time, you may just have a couple of bad arrows. Other than that, just follow JamesxCreedx's advice and practice.
Also, if you're shooting large groups (5 or 6 arrows) shoot fewer arrows, like 2 or 3 per group. I've noticed if I shoot 6 arrows in a row, after about 3 groups of 6 my accuracy and consistency really suffers because I'm just getting plain tired. An even better test is to shoot one, arrow mark the impact point and then shoot that single arrow again. After three single shots you'll have your group. This makes you slow down and make each shot count rather than firing off a bunch of arrows in rapid succession.
I had the same issue when I was shooting 6+ arrows at a time. After shooting 3 or 4, I noticed I would start to grip my bow pretty tight instead of just letting it rest in my hand, this seemed to be the culprit in my groups being inconsistent.
I have started to force my self to set my bow in a stand i built for it, check my shot in my binoculars and then take another shot. Keeps me from wearing out my arm and improves my patience and concentration on each shot. I will also shoot one arrow at a target, I usually have four set up. That way I can see where each shot hits rather then having a generalization of a grouping.