what is the best broadhead ever for whitetails? Now I know this is a loaded question with multiple right answers (lots of great heads out there) but I just ant to know what your #1 head is. I'm a curios sort. For me it has to be Grim Reapers. These things just plain put deer on the ground in a hurry. In my 20+ year of bowhunting I've used many different heads and the Grims are just wicked. Before those I was die hard on Thunderheads.
I have been shooting wasp jac-hammers for around ten years and they leave great blood trails and fly great. fair price as for a fixed blade it's hard to beat a muzzy head, proven winner. The rage commercials have me looking at a set for my new rig thou??
The one that's the sharpest, flies best out of my bow, hits where I'm aiming and stays intact after impact. For me that's a 125 gr. Slick Trick Magnum!
Whatever shoots for you. Really any head on the market will do it. It's all shot placement not the head
I have used them all including some mechanicals and always go back to muzzys. I haven't tried the new generation mechanicals like rage etc.
LOL Well, that depends on which arrow I'm using and what I am hunting along with my particular preference that day .
I personally think muzzys innovated the broadhead and there proven in the field but i personally like the Rocky Mtn. Blitz the flight is amazing..
Expandables are illegal here... So I can only speak for fixed blades and I have yet to find a broadhead I am completely satisfied with... I may try the eclipse heads on my compound this year.. go back to a two blade with cutters head..
Hard to say. Out of the heads I've got time with personally, I'd say Rage 2 blades for expanding heads, Slick Trick Grizz Trick's for fixed, and Magnus Stinger for cut on contact. If I were shooting a high KE type of setup (70+ lbs of KE) I'd go for the Rage. If I were shooting in that 50+ lb of KE, and preferred a fixed head, I'd go with the Slick Tricks. If I were below 50lb of KE, I'd recommend a cut on contact head and I really like the Magnus Stingers. Just my thoughts, and I'll finish by saying that any head put in the boiler room will get it done.
I've shot Rage's. I've shot Slick Tricks. I killed my first deer with the 12 dollar per 3 walmart expandable. They all work when you put it in the right place. Right now I am shooting Slick Trick Magnums, but I want to try the new 2 blade bloodrunner this year. I have plenty of KE to spare, so it affords me that choice. There is only one truth for me, a bad shot, is a bad shot regardless of what head you have.
Well the blade angle on the back of the blade is certain well beyond 90 deg and they lock into place when they open. Yes they can slide back forward but they would still grab and not let the arrow work back out. I guess it really depends on who your talking to and their interpretation. Kinda like the g5 Tekans, some say they are barbed while others say they are not. Those 2-blade Blood Runners are wicked looking heads at any rate.
One of my favorite heads is the magnus buzzcuts. I like to take a couple different heads with me to the field to have options. I am also going to have the new Red Feather Archery single bevel 3 blade head in my quiver. I want to try the bloodrunner 2 blade, and the grim reapers as well.