When mechanicals first came out there was a lot of skepticism over them (still is). Spitfire was the big seller and I remember then that even they came out with a recommended 55 ft lbs for best results. I don't however remember where I picked that tidbit up. Seems like a good recommendation depdending on which head we are shooting. The larger the head the more KE I would strive for. I don't believe there is a hard line but only recommendations.
do you think that Rage is being a little dishonest telling people they are ok to shoot the 2 blade 2" cut all theway down to 40 ke? I mean from 60 to 40 # of KE is a lot ...they say as long as you have at least 40# you can shoot the 2 blade 2" cut..
I honestly think Im going to shoot the 40 KE with my setup this year..I killed deer with the 2 blade 2' last year and even got pass thrus, but I may feel more assured if I shoot the 40 KE Im pushing about 62-63 lbs of KE
50# pull.....Proper shot placement will blow through any deers vitals with a mechanical on a 50# draw weight bow.
I can only give you my personal expierence...switchback XT at 62lbs pull, less than 280fps, 2 complete passthroughs...guardian, 66 lbs pull, just over 300fps, pass through and broke a spine. I do not hunt very high, and 100% of MY shots have been completly broadside. I think the broadside shot has been the reason for all my pass throughs, as the arrow is in and out and does not burn up KE traveling through the deer at a severe angle. I will take a quartering away shot, I have just been fortunate to get braodside shots so fay with this head. I think 40lbs KE is avery low ball# for the masses...bringing into consideration the tune of the bow and the piss poor shot choices that will be taken and no doubt blamed on the head.