the sport of bowhunting and bowhunting technology has grown in leaps and bounds in recent years. Who and what company had the greatest impact on the sport that we devote so much time and money to?
I'd guess maybe a company like Realtree, with all the shows on television and all the marketing that they do... It's surely gotta make the public curious and spark come interest.
Whoever was the 1st bow company to go crazy with the technology In the compounds Is the one I'd say that got It all going. Then the next bow company tries topping another and then the next thing you know times have really changed.
I would say that The Undisputed King of Archery has had a profound impact on bowhunting as we know it.
You're probably right... I'm sure there would be alot more archers if it weren't for you! haha, jk man!
Don't under estimate the WWW. Boards such as HNI, Archery Talk, and now have made the sport easier. They have taken a learning curve that many would have got frustrated with, and straightend it out.