Well I'm new to bowhunting, and just started about a month or two ago. As some of you probably know from my other thread, I shot my first deer ever on saturday. He's a respectable 4 point buck (8 point for you americans), but definatly not a monster. Well I haven't been out there since until today which was probably one of my most exciting hunts. I went out hoping to help my brother fill his tag. I sat in the same treestand that I shot mine out of while he was farther down the valley in the tree stand that usually gets the movement. Well around 8 am this morning I could hear a couple of bucks fighting in the trees, there was a spiker and a small four point that were fighting. Just outside of the trees I spoted a doe and a bigger buck. About 5 minutes later the doe walked right under my tree stand, no farther than 2 or three yards in front. Right on her tail was a Monster for a 4 point. His G2's were at least 10" tall and G3's around 7 or 8". He had a awesome spread which came around so nicely. He followed her and walked right under my stand, stopped and ate some branches that were about 5' below my stand. I could have almost reached down and hit his nose. He than moved forward about 6 or 7 yards and would have given me a awesome quartering away shot... but no tag since I got mine three days ago. I had my bow there, but that was only for coyotes. Following him the spiker came right behind, than two minutes later the 4 point walked behind me about 15 yards, After that the deer walked around and were about 50-60 yards away from my bro but wouldn't respond to any rattling or doe calling since they were all tracking that doe down. I than spent the next half hour watching the little spiker chase a doe around a field. It was awesome. But back to the point of the thread. Is it just a law of bowhunting that after you fill your tag you get a opportunity at a awesome buck? I should probably just never go back out so I don't have to dream of the buck that could have been instead of my 4 point that I was so happy with. haha.
Hey now !! It just those silly eastern/southern Americans that go by 8 pts. Us western Americans go by 4 pts or 4x4 like it should be. Don't be lumping us in with them !! We are just too cool for those wannabes. Seriously... congrats on your first bow kill !! Tim
it seems to always turn out that way. i just got back from my illinois trip a few weeks where i harvested a mature 131" 8 point. i was determined to sit in my stand a few hours after the shot as to not jump my buck since i thought i heard him crash not to far from where i shot him. not more than 30 minutes later i had a 160" 12 pointer come in. i couldn't believe it. all i could do is shoot him with my digital camera.
I know that these are tough to see, but these are all that I could get of him in some somewhat low light. But I think you can see how big he was.
I know that this pick is a repost, but up until now I didn't really think of it. Do you think that the buck my dad got today would be this guy?
Kind of hard to tell but it does look like the same buck to me. Congrats to your dad on a stud !! Tim