I posted a review of my highlights from the ATA show in the blog section of bowhunting.com. I just did the highlights for now and will do a more indepth review of the individual products as I get time in the next few weeks. So keep checking back on the blogs for updates. Here is a link http://www.bowhunting.com/blog/post/2009/01/10/2009-ATA-Show-Highlights.aspx We had great time at the show and found some neat things that I can't wait to get my hands on. I brought a few samples home to try out and plan on ordering some items as soon as everyone is back home from the show. And to top off the trip, when I got home, there was a present on my front porch. My Bowtech Captain was delivered while I was away at the show. That was perfect timing, beacuse I got a couple of items at the show to dress it up with.
Lucky man! Read over both Justin's and your reviews. Very well done and well covered. Couple of questions. The Bone Collector 8" dovetail sight. Was this a micro adjust sight or standard gang? Does it have 3rd axis leveling? The barrel target looks pretty interesting as well.
Thanks for bringing this info home for us, John. I hope you enjoyed your first trip to the ATA, and I still wish I could have made it this year.
Johnny Im glad you had a safe trip!! Sounds like you and the guys had a great trip. Cant wait to read more on the updates.
After another extremely long day I just made it back home! As always great to see you again JM. Also got to meet up with many other friends from the forums. I arrived at the ATA show only knowing a very select group of individuals. After 3 days of walking and talking I can honestly say that I don't think a single person passed through that I did not speak with. I had an opportunity to meet and talk with many of the tv pro's and to be honest most were more down to earth then I thought. I have several pictures that I will get posted in the next few days.
Glad you made it back safely John. If we would of kept on Highway 70 no doubt we would of ended up staying at your place.:d It was cool hooking up with you and Scott. As for the show what would it be like without TIFF. As you can tell by her mouth she was about to say FRALEYYYYY
I thought she looked just as good but I can think of about 3-4 other women walking around the show for all 3 days that were way better looking!
JM, Great seeing again brother and all the other guys there, and I can honestly say Jfergus is not lying that boy never shuts up and I don't think he missed 1 person he didn't talk to there at the show. Heck I was just getting ready to leave and here comes walking up with Jay Gregory because Jay wanted to show us a new back pack just for camera equipment that I must say was awesome looking and I will have one before next season. Well still recovering see ya!! Walt
Fergy worked the show hard and he is now one with the industry. I know know who to call whenever I need a Drury Boys poster Fergy also created a lot of buzz for Lakewood products, they make an awesome bow case and he helped them write some nice orders.
Walt- I probably spoke with Jay 20 times over the 3 days both at the show and we hung out at the Hyatt for drinks 2 of the evenings. I got several photo's with people but am mad at myself for not getting one with him. Did think it was pretty cool when he knew me by name and came looking for me yesterday. I wasn't a big fan of him before the show but he definetly am now. I think he is totally different then what I thought from seeing him on tv.
That's funny Raceway. I did talk with Mark Drury several times. Actually hung out with him during lunch yesterday for a short while! Funny part about Mark was when we were at the bar at the Hyatt. I introduced all the Droptime Diva's to him and Terry. One of the Diva's thought Terry was Marks dad!!! Mark got the biggest kick out of that and was still laughing about it yesterday when I talked to him. Buckeye's right though- they are kind of dorky!! LOL
New review up about Swivelimb Treestands and related products. It was good seeing you again too Walt, along with the rest of the WKP crew.
Jmbuckhunter great review on all the products. The best thing that I seen that is new for the year is the new Muddy Outdoor Sticks. Those things where great. They correct all the problems that the lone wolf sticks have. The best thing about them is how easy they go up. Can't wait to try them out.
I saw those sticks and they are on my wish list also. I think one of the other guys is going to do a review on them soon. There may even be a video review to go along with it. So check back often to catch all the reviews.
I did meet up with a couple of you. Saw Fergus all over the place. Saw Bols with another 'Jim Fergus'. (I think it was really Buckeye.) I saw a couple of neat new products. Some not so neat.