The late season is kicking my butt this year! Late season means one thing for me, doe hunting. That doesn't vary too far than what I spend the rest of the season doing, but I normally see a lot more deer this time of year. I've been skunked on deer sightings almost everytime out despite a lot of fresh tracks in the snow. The deer seem to be more nocturnal this year than normal. Not sure if the extended muzzleloader has anything to do with it. Firearm was Nov 15th-30th like always, but muzzleloader was Dec 4th-20th this year. A lot of firearm hunters didn't kill deer due to warm weather and standing corn so that may be the reason why I'm hearing a lot more muzzleloader shots this year. Its usually pretty rare for me to hear one, but I have been hearing 4-8 shots a sit. So thats my excuse and I'm sticking to it! :D Only 12 days left and I will be out there until the end.
I am having a very similar experience. However, the past two weeks have picked up as far as daytime activity. We still have a ton of standing corn in North MO.