are big game animals color blind? i have been told that they are. if so, does it matter what color your clothes are? i understand the layout of your clothing should match your terain. like if you wore all green you would have a very clear silhouette. do you really need all the name brand camo? camo didnt exist during fred bears time era.
Below I pasted a study from an article I the results of what deer do see..the last statement is why to avoid blue In August 1992, a group of leading deer researchers and vision scientists gathered at The University of Georgia (UGA) in Athens to conduct this landmark study. The group of researchers included Drs. R. Larry Marchinton and Karl V. Miller, and myself from UGA, Dr. Gerald H. Jacobs and Jess Degan from the University of California, and Dr. Jay Neitz from the Medical College of Wisconsin. This study was made possible due to a highly sophisticated computer system developed by Dr. Jacobs. This system is based on the principle that an electrical response is produced when light enters the eye. The computer interprets these responses and translates them into a “scientific best guess” of what deer can actually see. Findings of the Study The results of our study confirmed that deer possess two (rather than three as in humans) types of cones allowing limited color vision (Figure 1). The cone that deer lack is the “red” cone, or the one sensitive to long wavelength colors such as red and orange. This suggests that wearing bright colors while hunting does not affect hunting success. This does not mean that these colors are invisible to deer, but rather that they are perceived differently. Deer are essentially red-green color blind like some humans. Their color vision is limited to the short (blue) and middle (green) wavelength colors. As a result, deer likely can distinguish blue from red, but not green from red, or orange from red. Therefore, it appears that hunters would be equally suited wearing green, red, or orange clothing but perhaps slightly disadvantaged wearing blue.
Hawaian print shirts really blend in well in a treestand situation, especially if there's lots of light colored background!
Andy, I think you are correct. Magnum has never been picked off while hunting Parrots from a treestand in a cocounut tree.
If you filter that picture to what was said in the study about deer eyesight, put Magnum in a tree he'd blend right in!
Thats it, I am switching my camo up right now. I am heading down to GoodWill and picking up 15-20 Hawaiian shirts from the 80's.