I'm a little bored, and not only that, Matt is kicking my tail in post count, and simply cannot have that! Let's see those hunting arrows for this fall. I've changed back to aluminum, XX78 2512. 480 grain finished arrow weight, 281 fps. 84#'s of KE. Can't wait to whack another big one!
Look out, changing things up is gonna mess with your mojo. Why switch from what worked after it took you soooooooooooo loooooong to figure it out?:smash: I can see it slipping back to Germ. Oh and here are mine, same as last year, they worked.
Bro, it ain't about how good you are. It's about how good you LOOK doing it. Which is why I can't understand why Dubbya and buckeye manage to kill those things....
Mobow, ever so often... I think that there may really be a brain in your head. Then you go and do something like this and TOTALLY unredeem yourself! Especially when I'm getting 81ft/lbs of KE from a 420 grain, carbon arrow with small diameter. It's only going 296fps. So... is your 3ft/lbs of KE worth 15fps?
Ya know dubbya, last year I was shooting small diameter, 355 grain arrows, flying 318, getting 80 #'s of KE. But lighter and faster ain't always better bro. So tell me, is your ONE # of KE worth 22 fps??
Those are some really nice looking arrows, I don't have any pics of mine, but they are pretty plain. 28" Easton Lightspeed 340's with all white Bohning Blazer vanes and green nocks.
Sir, a 420gr. arrow isn't necessarily "light" and my bow won't shoot that fast anyway. And it's more like aluminum arrows are like the cut off jean shorts of the arrow world. :d :d :d
I think I wanna see that pic bro....Because I ASSURE you I do not own cut off jean shorts. Haven't for YEARS. And even IF I did....I sure as HELL wouldn't have worn them to that.
Yea, well it was worth it, they look awsome. It will almost be a shame when one of them gets soaked in a 170" mid-west giants blood this year