Take it easy. Your not missing much. The awesome sunrises/sunsets... 5 buck encounters within bow range... 13 bucks seen while hunting including the tall tined 6x6.... numerous does encounters ( I need to buy my doe tag )... one coyote encounter... having the yotes sing to you every hunt... having ducks, geese, Black Crowned Night herons, White herons and pelicons flying right over head... and just the great feeling of being able to be out hunting !! See you are not missing much. LOL Good luck when you do get to hunt. Tim
I had a P&Y 9 in range last night but the foliage was too thick to pull off a shot. Early season sucks, don't even sweat it. :D
LOL TEmbry! I hear ya Va....same here. I am gonna get out in 2 weeks though, taking my son on the VA youth day. Go find a kid that wants to go....and get out there!
Book an early season hunt in another State, next year I know the feeling. Last year, I was anticipating the season so much that I couldnt think about anything else. This year, totally different- I actually had forgotten that this was opening weekend. I have no plans on going out any time soon, but I'm sure I'll enjoy it when I get around to it. Some years are worse than others, I assume. You'll be there soon. Hope its a great season, too.
va-man..........you could always sneak across the potomac and join us maryland guys for our opener tomorrow - lol