..... are the words my Son Dominic said when the instructor told him he got 95% on his Hunters Ed/Safety test last night!!!!!!! WOOOOHOOOOOO, I'm a proud Papa!!!!! Tomorrow morning we go to the Gun club for his field test :uzi: after that he receives his certificate and patch.... then it's Bow shopping time for him!
AWESOME :d Congrats to you and Dominic!! Looks like you got yourself a new partner for this season. Enjoy the ride.
Thanks guys, I couldn't be happier for the both of us! Were both kinda bummed that it's almost over! :d Tony, are you taking the class with Andrew??? I wished I would of got signed up at the time, but Jay said the class fills up with people still wanting to get in, I didn't want to take up a spot from someone! I did participate in every class, I really enjoyed it.
Thats great! It sounds like your hunters ed is far better than the one offered in IL. Ours is 2 days of classroom and you're done.
It can go either way, the internet test, a couple day course but I opted for him to take the 6 days in the classroom with a field day test at a local gun club! They do a field test then get to shoot some skeet, should be fun, looking forward to it!
That's great news Joe!! Soon the boy Is going to be showing up his old man, can't wait to see some pics!!
Thanks folks. Well, were off to the field test here in a bit! Afterwards a little celebrating with picking out a new bow for the boy then off to do some scouting for his turkey hunt next weekend! Going to be a great day!
Here a pic of the boy just after his graduation! He got 100% on his field test!!!!!! Which consisted of a simulated rabbit, pheasant and grouse hunt for muzzle control, fence crossings etc... Next was how to follow a blood trail. The final thing was the trap shooting, he nailed 5 out 7 and was stoked and so was I, not to bad for his first time at skeet! He's definitely a good shot! We then hung around afterwards at the gun club and patterned his shotgun for turkeys, were good to go! Then we headed to do some scouting for Turkeys, spent the batter half of the day walking thru the woods looking for birds! No gobbling in the mid day but did locate a flock of 17 hens and 3 gobblers in tow having dinner in a corn field then watched them head off to the roost! Next was a little graduation gift I thought was appropriate, picking out his new Bow. He really like this Diamond Razor Edge, were going back today to get it set up!