It's always good between November 1st and November 15th. I will let my scouting from the car and my trail cameras dictate when I go all in.
I will be down in Wayne county this weekend hunting for 3 days so it will be interesting to see how much this cold spell gets them moving. I usually plan most of my vacation the first and second weeks of November.
Im hunting Jo Daviess county! I am predicting the Rutt in my area to be around the Nov 10 thru the 20th this year.
Father in law saw two bucks chasing a doe yesterday while driving down the road! It was on the illinois side of the river near muscatine Iowa. Ill bet in another week or two it will be in full force!
I saw two differant sets of deer this morning feeding in fields at 8:00. It's coming! Next week is going to be great I think!
Well we had some snow flurries here this morning. It was just enough to get me all jacked up for my hunt this weekend. This cold weather should hopefully keep them on their feet longer in the morning so I anticipate some good action this weekend.
Today at work we did brush pick ups and I got to drive around. I counted about 20 scraps on the back roads. Nothing big, just little ones.
Sounds like couple of you guys are seeing some bucks chasing. I was just getting ready to get on here and ask if anybody was seeing anything. I haven't been out since earlier this week and haven't seen much yet. I'm guessing it'll start picking up though here pretty quick.
I seen fawns with doe's and bucks still together but hopefully it will change soon. I have good tracks around one stand, maybe he will show up befor he ends up in the next county chasing a doe. Ha
Lots of standing corn left here in southern Illinois makes spotting deer a challenge. Some nice deer taken last weekend. our local radio station in Wayne county publishes this show us your rack | WFIW - WOKZ Radio Fairfield ILWFIW ? WOKZ Radio Fairfield IL list of local deer every year.
I got the first one down tonight. Not much in the way of antlers but at this point I don't much care. I'm officially a successful bowhunter. Now we just need to get my daughter with one on the ground. crossing our fingers for tomorrow.
Well I hunted Wayne county for 3 days and was really hoping that cold spell we had would keep them moving later in the morning but I was wrong. The deer seemed to still be nocturnal and only moving just before dark. There was sign all over that things were starting to heat up because we had scrapes everywhere! The next time I venture down that way will it be shotgun season and I will have my Savage 220 by my side.
Anyone seeing increased activity in the last few days? I haven't seen much while glassing fields, but I wanted to get out in the morning. I'm hoping with the rain passing they'll be on their feet in daylight.
I have been out pretty much every weekend since the season opened. Saw some does on opening day, nothing in range. Been a ghost town since then.