I thought that Saturday and Sunday would have been great. Shotgun numbers were way down, the weather has been bad. Friday the hunt would have been pre-front, saturday in the snow, sunday in the cool, crisp snow. Love to have been out at Sangchris for their Muzzleload only season! I bet the numbers for this week will be off t he charts, but we will see?
I saw 7. Shot one with bow. Never heard a shot from surrounding areas where I was hunting in Jasper County
I hunted Sat and Sunday in Marion Co. The only shots I heard were me, shooting at the end of my hunt to unload my gun. No deer sighted, and I didn't see any other hunters out. I haven't seen a deer since Nov 19th, thats hunting and driving around.
Sat in the stand Sunday. Heard a few guys blasting away at some geese, but that was it. Deer sign everywhere, but no deer spotted.
I had big plans after football to get some doe tags for the muzzle and do the last two weekends, but I have not had any time to get out. Since Nov 11th, I have hunted about two hours and saw nothing. I will get out soon! I guess the shotgun and Muzzle loader will sit for yet another year. In all reality, I would rather just bow hunt all the time, but with the Illinois gun weekends, that is not the best time to be out there.
I had a nice 8 pointer chasing two does Saturday about 3:20 PM, and they got within 30 yards behind me but moving way too fast and coudn't get them to stop. Even with the Smokepole in my hands it would have been a risky shot. The buck was chasing the does like it was middle of November.