Well I was originally going to go but the weather forcast for our place in SE Indiana is showing a high in the 50's on saturday. I can't pass up the chance to go check cameras and do a little shed hunting and get my soil tests completed. I hope you all enjoy your time at the expo.
Ok I will be hitting the road somewhere between 5-6. I am up in Buffalo Grove and I have room for 1 more if anyone wants to go with. Sent from my iPhone 5S using Tapatalk
Let me know if you make it tonight. If it isn't worth the 4 hour drive it would be good to know! Sent from my BNTV600 using Tapatalk
Its gonna be great jfergus! It would be better back in Peoria, but it will still be great sent from old school can and string
Heard last years show was not very good and much smaller then Peoria the year before. Sent from my BNTV600 using Tapatalk
I haven't been since 2010 when it was in Bloomington. Peoria was just too far of a drive for me, I'm happy its in Springfield again. Thats only a 2hr drive
Maybe I have never been to a good show, but I am having a blast. Took in a property management lesson and a shed dog training session. People say the venders are down, but it is taking me hours to get through. Tons of great mounts/racks as well Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Met Alex Robinson (editor at Outdoor Life) while I was dropping the deer heads off. Have always enjoyed his blogs. Talked to Larry Wise and he wrote down which arrows for me to purchase this year, I would like to catch his seminar Sunday. I ran through stuff pretty quick, but it appeared a little better than last year.
I think I saw your bucks? One archery and another muzzleloader? They were very nice bucks if those were yours!