ok what does anyone know about the classic like when , where , and what do they offer there i have heard about it but know nothing about it and i wanted to go but dont want it to be a compleat waste of time any info would be appreciated thanx
The classic is always a great time. It is being held in Bloomington Feb 27-Mar 1. You can check out http://www.deerinfo.com/IL_home.asp for what is going to be offered. A bunch of us from down south go up every year and we always have a blast.
Last weekend in February.. the Bloomington area.. lots of whitetail stuff will be present. It's alright.. alot of booths set up brimming with deer hunting gear.. some at better than average prices. And a real giant display of some of the best whitetail taken in the state in 2008. My favorite part. And a few members from right here on this forum.. or that other one. That's about all.
Hmm, looks like a great reason to get away for the day to catch up with Kickin Buck and a few others. What day is everyone going, I now have weekends free!!!
I will be there either on Saturday or Sunday. I have an NWTF banquet to run on Friday night. If anybody needs something to do Friday night, come to my NWTF Banquet in Pontiac!
as do i i was laid off last week and i am loving it lol though the wife and chitlins are driving me nuts but at least i get to see them now let me know when yall are going i WILL be there with wifey or brother well maybe my buddy i am not sure yet
I'll be there as well. I would be going on either Saturday or Sunday, but if I had to guess it'd be Saturday. It's a great time. My favorite part is just looking at all the great deer that were harvested in 2008. Can't really beat getting to see all the huge bucks that have been killed that you've heard about online. Seeing them in person beats the crap out of just looking at a picture on the internet. They also have booths with about everything imaginable. They also have several educational segments in which you go and listen to a speaker or watch a demonstration. We'll all have to talk a little closer to the event and see who all is going on the same day and try and meet up.
I will be in TN at Reelfoot chasing crappies this year Raceway, you are going to have to drink extra beer for me if you make it!
We'll have an Illinois Bowfishers booth there again. We'll also be running the kid's archery booth. Stop by and say hi. (maybe blow up some ballon targets...)
I'll be there on Sunday most likely. That's the day they have the most deer heads on display. And that's the highlight of the show. We need an official meeting spot. How about the Bowtech Booth? There will be a few members working there anyways.
Not sure if I'll make it or not. I'll be at the NWTF Convention. I have NO IDEA why they have them both at the same time...
I know I'll be there!! of course it helps to live less than a quarter mile from the location.. hahaha
Haha I know what you mean. I went to Illinois State last year and it was quite convenient to travel there haha. I transferred to Western Illinois University this year though so it's not nearly as convenient!
The NWTF National Convention is the weekend before I believe. Our NWTF regional director said something about our banquet being the week after the convention.
I'm going to go on Saturday unless my son has a basketball tourney. The coaches don't understand that deer hunting and all that goes with it is a 24/7/365 job.