Has anyone else heard that anyone can nite hunt with a crossbow after the second gun season here in Illinois. I couldn't find anything on it at the DNR website. Sent from my LG-E739 using Tapatalk 2
here is a link to an article i found http://thesouthern.com/sports/outdo...cle_0861e2f4-bc1a-11e1-becf-001a4bcf887a.html
Governor finally signed it last week. Go here http://www.dnr.illinois.gov/Pages/default.aspx and click on number 3
only out to 20yds. is the trigger adjustable or not? its a tough trigger on there and the scope threads were stripped from the get go??? I went to ahoot and the damn thing almost fell off tell pete to double check those things it rattled right off and the threads were completely stripped out. I put some new ones on and it was fine after that!
I'll check on the trigger pull when i go to the shop and I'll let him know about the threads. Was it the screws or the nuts on the rings? Sent from my LG-E739 using Tapatalk 2
if i had one i would sure be out with it too Just another element to our hunts Sent from my LG-E739 using Tapatalk 2
I agree! I'll be trying mine out as soon as I can. I don't see myself wanting to use it very often but it will be fun to try out.
My brother and father got dads crossbow out yesterday, and sighted it in for season. I might have to borrow it a few times for the last half of season, just to see if I want to get one myself.
*using the force*... yes, you want to get a crossbow... you will be very happy with a crossbow... you will kill many deer with a new crossbow... they will call you The Greatest of Deer Slayers after you start hunting with a crossbow... HAHAHAHAHAHA
I used to hunt with a standard compound bow, but for nearly a decade my right eye (and I'm right handed) has been so far sighted that I could no longer see a deer if I focused on the pin, and couldn't see the pin if I focused on the deer. My condition forced me to give up bow hunting, which was heartbreaking. This will be my first year hunting with a crossbow, first in MI, then late season in IL. As someone who used to put in hundreds of hours per year on the archery range or 3D shoots, I will freely admit that learning to shoot a crossbow is easier than a standard. However, I've found it's at least as hard, and possibly harder, to shoot a crossbow consistently accurately. It's not a naturally stable platform as is coming to full draw with a regular bow. It's like shooting a rifle without a rest. Bow snobs (I'm sure there aren't any on here) need to remember that all the same skills needed to bag a deer with an arrow from a compound are still in play with a crossbow. You still need to be silent, still, sent free, and more than a little lucky to get a deer w/in arrow range. I used to be completely confident taking a 40 yard shot with my compound (depending on conditions.) I'm confident with the same range with the crossbow. The guys I know who shoot crossbows are just as ethical and serious about hunting as their compound-using counterparts. Good luck to all, no matter what kind of equipment you choose!