. . . for whippin everybody's asses. Sorry Team 4, but consider yourselves de-throned Get your boots out cause it's about to get deep. MN/Kyle, Southernboy, Hunteropel and dmen: I hope you're ready for this cause we got some work to do!
You slackers... I'll bet you kill 2 birds collectively and that neither one of them has more than a 6" beard :D
I'll be huntin in ILL and Mo. DUBB- 6 inch beard x 2, maybe more like it!!!!!!!!!!!! There isnt any Braggin here, JUST PURE FACT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Turkies will die and they will be BIG!!!!!!!!!
Good deal! Glad everybody is still on board. I love your attitude Hunteropel and I have a feeling you're gonna make one Oklahoma boy pretty upset by the end of the season haha!
Good call. I get what you're sayin but do you think I'd ever get all that grass out of my hair by the end of the hunt
A little grass never hurt anyone...if anything I think it improves my looks. The turkeys really hate this outfit though. I actually put out some bait in an area they frequent and layed right next to it. The things were within feet of me all around. Granted I wasn't hunting and it was an experiment, but I just couldn't help jumping up and scaring them to death!!! LMAO It was the funniest thing I ever saw. I swear to God a few ran into some trees on the way out of there.
You're right... there are not turkeys here, just thunder chickens. Unfortunately for you guys I'll be hunting Montana, Wyoming, Oklahoma and maybe Idaho this spring :D
Hey Dubbs, I want a solid, beyond a shadow of a doubt, photograph of that Wyoming bird. I have reason to believe it may come back looking more like a crow..... Best wishes Team 5!
Would that be because the company in Wyoming can make you go cross-eyed? If it does come back as a crow... I might still eat it as long as I can enter it into the contest :D Yes and good luck Team 5... right up til the very end :D