Okay, here goes. I found out a couple weeks ago that my dog, Sandy, has bone cancer in her left front leg. She had been limping for a while so I took her in thinking it was arthritis but to my surprise it was cancer. The vet told me about a couple options. One, they could amputate her front leg. Another one was chemo and radiation treatment but that would almost be pointless without amputating the source of the problem. Also, the doc said that more than likey it has spread to her lungs anyway. To say the least, I was very upset to hear all this. She has been a part of my life for almost 13 years. I don't want to amputate her front leg because of her age. I mean, 13 years is the average life expectancy for this breed anyway. I had made the decision to just keep her comfortable and happy, which she seems to be very happy. My (new) neighbor is a BIG animal lover. She now has me second guessing my decision and thinks I should take her to an oncologist to see what can be done? I don't want this woman to think I'm awful but I had already made my decision to let "nature run it's course." What do you guys think or what would you do if you were in my situation?
Hey, a guy I work with his dog had cancer also. He got into a pilot program for treating dogs w/cancer. the machine was like 1.5 mill. his dog lived a little longer, but he went to the top cancer hosp in the state. I can check & see what the details were if you want. Just let me know.
Honestly, do what your heart tells you. Never, for any reason, let what someone else thinks change what you think is right to do. I think you made your decision before your neighbor got involved.
I couldn't agree more with Dan. . . and you said it your self duc, she's 13. Man that's old for a dog. Tough situation . . I definitely don't envy you, but best of luck.