I got into my stand at 5:30AM yesterday and then it went to sh*t. First off I went to pull up my bow and the line was wrapped on my ladder. I tried flipping it off but no such luck, so back down I go and untangle it. As I climb back up I see a bat buzz the tree. I thought nothing of it as is was fairly bright due to clear skies and almost a full moon. I get in my stand and attach my harness to the tree and pull my bow up and hang it on my bow hook. I then sit down to put on my headnet and hat and "bam" something slams me in the face nearly hitting me in my right eye. I wipe my eye and check my glove for blood. I could not see any. So I get settled in and "bam" I am hit again. I dont know exactly what is attacking me I can only assume it was the bat. I am thinking that maybe it was reacting to my movement. So I am sitting still and "bam" is hit me in the head again. I then pulled my hood over my head. Luckily it was a cold morning so I had my heavier jacket on. So I am sitting there with my head down and I am attacked four more times. At this point I was contemplating just leaving but I just kept my head down and waited for daylight. Well daylight comes and as I hesitently sit up. I hear a "thunk" from down below. It was my water bottle that fell from my pouch. What else can happen? Well I only saw a couple doe in the thicket below me so after 5 hours in the stand I call it a morning. So when I get back to my truck I look in the mirror and I see two dots of dried blood on my face near my eye. So I get home and do some investigating on the net. Well it seems that almost all bats are carriers of rabies and when rabies is contacted by humans it is always fatal. Also bats have teeth that are razor sharp and the size of needles. So I call my doctor and he tells me that since I have skin that was punctured and cannot produce the animal I would have to get the rabies vaccine. So I spent yesterday afternoon in the hospital emergency room where I was given a total of 7 shots, ( 6 of the vaccine and one for tetnas ). I have to go back on day 3,7.14 and 28 for more vaccine. I will be back in that stand again tommorrow and I do hope it goes better. :D
The rabies part sucks. Before I read that part though I kept singing........ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBc9B8JXCP0&NR=1 Hope you're alright dude.
And I felt bad that I scared a small buck away with my grunt call.Sorry to hear you have to go through all the shots..
When i opened this thread...i thought to myself no way his day is worse then mine... I was wrong. Damn.
The good thing is the shots are not as painful or as many (28) as they used to be. Then again I have never had 7 shots at one time in my life. I am just trying to figure out why me? I guess I was just at the wrong place at the wrong time.
Yikes, that's a crazy day. I was almost bit by a bat once, and it wasn't the bite I was worried about. It was the shots afterward. Glad to here they weren't too awfully bad. Hopefully to redeem yourself from all of this.
I have to say, I"ve never heard of that before. That sux you have to go through those series of shots. Do they still give them in the stomach?
Wow...I thought missing a nice buck was bad....you had it way worse! Kill the flying rat when you go back out there.