I just finished up my arrows for my longbow.. Shot them tonight, they flew excellent. I went with some different colors.. 2 gray and 1 purple ...black diamond plated FMJ 340 shafts with blue writing and blue nocks.. You wont hurt my feelings if you think they are gay or ugly! LMAO.. I am gonna shoot these suckers till I wear everyone of them out.. I am still undecided on whether or not I like the "look" they fly good though! 29 inches, 100 grain Hit inserts, 125 grain heads, 5 inch shield cuts
Uhhhh those are uh, how do you say it, ummm, you know,they are just............ J/K they look good. and from my short experiece w/ this little trad game, if they fly good I dont even care how they look.
Nice lookin' arras Troy. Should be easier to find. That is all I look for in arrows and fletching as for colors. I just want to be able to find them. (Even when they are covered in red bubbles. )
Hey my wife likes em thats what counts right? LOL.. yeah LA they should be easy to find in the woods!
Thanks BF, but they dont mean chit do they less they get blood stained! Cant wait to go hunting this spring!
I think they look great , but i would .... Russ just got me some purple feathers too . Seriously tho , i like'em .