I have killer deer with: Bear Razorhead Savora Rocky Mountian Supreme Zwicky NAP Thunderhead (+Pro+Edge) NAP SpitFire (+Pro+Edge) NAP CrossFire NAP Nitron Slick Trick Magnus Buzzcut Rage (NEVER again) G5 Tekan NAP HellRazor Tru-Fire T-1 QAD Exodus This fall my quiver will have QAD Exodus in it. The next 3 (in order) would not be afraid to use is Tru-Fire T-1, Hellrazor or Thunderhead. If it was mechanical it would be NAP SpitFire Edge.
Magnus heads. Nothing beats the price and their lifetime warranty. These too have killed many animals.
Depending on your poundage?...I like G5 Striker Magnums (125gr) or just the G5 Striker (100gr). Slick Trick would be my second choice
Wow I am kind of surprised no one is giving any love to my favorite Grim Reaper Whitetail Specials. When it comes to the Reaper everything dies.
Thanks everyone- I really appreciate the input. I went with the NAP Thunderheads, since I could get 6 (I only have 6 arrows right now, so it seemed logical). Hopefully I will get lots of time to practice this spring and summer, then bag me some meat this fall.
You wont have any problems bringing down game with that broadhead. I killed a few dear with them and they do major damage. My Dad had used them for a really long time and killed many deer an elk and a bear with them. We have now both switched to slick trick just for a change of pace and they are the best broadheads I have ever shot.
You did good by getting the NAPs. I prefer muzzys over them because the o-ring on NAP ticks me off.... but it's a good head if you don't mind that.
Now all I need is a house with some acreage so I can shoot in my yard. Let's see... in Seattle, that should be around a cool few million. Anyone want to toss a few million my way?
Another vote here for the Muzzy 3-blades. I think the Thunderhead is also a great head. Nothing wrong with your choice there.
I will have to get some of the Muzzy's, too. Obviously, my stock of arrows is low since I'm a rookie. When I expand my collection, I will have to try out several different kinds- fixed and mechanical.
You can can buy more broadheads then you have arrows. If you go to mechanicals just make sure your set up is adequate for the big mechanical.