Cam has been a great inspiration to me for several years. I lift hard four days a week, run four days a week and eat very clean 6 days a week. At 45 years old I do ok. But he is on an out of this world level.. I have always admired his work ethic. So in tribute to Cam, enjoy if you got 15 mins.
Cam is a solid guy by all accounts, helluva bow hunter. He is a maniac when it comes to fitness, not taking anything away from him...but when you're his age, TRT and HGH go a long way. Good for him and when I'm his age, I might get on TRT as well if it comes down to it.
I have no idea if he uses TRT or HGH. He may. I know a few guys my age that do. Aside from that, like you said, he's a solid dude and we need more like him!
At 52 years old he can run 140 miles a week, lift, shoot and hold down a job.... unreal what the human spirit can do
In all fairness, he's divorced and his kids are grown and out of the house. When he's not working he has nothing else to do but run, lift and train. I give him a ton of credit for choosing to do what he does rather than sit around and surf Twitter all night like most Americans in his position.
I did not know he was divorced. He was married for like 26 years. Yeh I am divorced too, but I have custody of two boys 13 and 15 so I don't have that much freedom... But it will come soon enough and then I will wish they were young again
Tomorrow I'll be 63, 11 years older than Cam the man, and I still climb trees. Age is but a number, but good health/fitness is key.
Not sure I would assume he is using TRT just because he lifts and is active. His purpose is clear and he is obviously dedicated, disciplined, and consistent. Those things can go a long way. Good stuff, always good to see people shed the excuses and get after it. No doubt being divorced helps but the reality is your wife wants you to put your purpose first regardless of what she says.