I thought these might help "fuel the fire" . I decided to drive down a dead end road close to home tonight, just like I did last night. The only difference is this time I brought my camera . Almost brought the video camera, but elected against it. Too many deer to count, and well over 50 turkeys (obviously some were too far to take decent pictures) on this 2 mile long road tonight:d . We (my friend and I) saw a buck a couple nights ago, saw him again tonight. He's not huge, but he's young. Neat looking rack too. I wish the pics weren't from so far off, so you guys could see more, but I think these'll do Deer: Turkeys: Look at the paintbrush on this guy
Wow, that's quite the drive. Great pics! What are the temps like there? Things seem to already be greening up a bit pretty nicely.
Thanks Matt! It's been in/around the 60's lately. It stopped raining as soon as I pulled onto the road, so that's why all the turkeys were out in the fields. Talk about perfect timing
Thanks Zach. I'm not sure about being able to get permission in this valley for this spring, but next year I should be able to no problem! The reason we're actually driving this road right now is to figure out which fields we want to ask permission in to bowhunt this fall. Getting a feel for where the deer like to come out and what not. And it's also to free us from boredom :d
Great pics Rory!! I can't wait to start seeing green around here, everything here Is either under water or mud or brown!! Come on sunshine!!!