I am a trophy hunter. I shoot does because they need shot but I am honestly there for the rack. Just being honest
Average, To many Does shot around me to hunt them. I shoot the Buck I like. Cant be to picky here! I let allot of young bucks walk but as soon as they walk off my land they are doomed! I take one to eat and wait for a good one for my 2nd tag and eat that tag just about every year.
I'm just your average guy with a passion for the outdoors, a love for wildlife, and a serious crush on hunting. I shoot em when God sends them-if they make me happy.
i go to fill my freezer first, then i worry about is this deer bigger than the one on my wall. if not, i let him pass.
I try to hold out for a big one as long as possible but if it gets later in the season Ill take a doe and or an average buck. Cant eat the antlers anyway..
I'm between a and b - I like shooting does but will hold off from them in Nov - I like bucks with character that are mature - score means nothing to me
I guess you could call me a trophy hunter. I love to shoot does, but i pass small bucks for the opportunity to harvest a big one....
i have never shot a doe and i never will. i hunt a 700 acre farm and theirs other people on the farm who will shoot them. I will shoot pretty much any buck that has at least 3 on a side.
Doe slayer who hunts bucks by age, not antlers. I would be very happy with a 4.5 year old 4pt as any buck over 2.5 years old is a "trophy" in my area.
Not really sure. I am currently hunting hard for a mature buck. If a doe shows herself at the right time I will arrow her. If a good buck shows himself, regardless of age, I will arrow him too. So I am everything I guess.
I let some go and kill them later ....I let some go until next year..... i kill what I want, when I want, to fill the freezer