Something looks weird and doesn't smell right either. Are there of the preceding pics or following pics on the cam for that or is it just this one...?
Its looks like cuddeback quality, it has that yellow haze to it. And the bucks eyes have the cuddeback brightness too.
I'm pretty sure they suffocate their prey by grabbing the neck ,,,,,, don't know if there would be much blood at that point
Looks to me like it might be photoshop edited. The front paws of the cat don't look like the are naturally on the ground. But very possible that I am wrong.
A couple guys on a state forum I look at blew the pic up real big to prove it was photoshoped. If you look REAL close you can see the cats feet aren't right. Also look at the bucks "man" area
I think that there would be more pics too. I guess it really depends on what they have the delay set at though. Besides all that I think it is photoshopped as well.
Something does not look right about that front leg. Seems to me that it is just too straight. Just does not look realistic to me.
Turns out the picture is definitely real, AND it is the Picture of the Week on Cuddleback's websight ..
Looks photoshoped... The main aspect that catches my attention is the flash should have provided some shadow on the cat from the deer and on the ground. If this at was truly dragging this deer, then wouldn't you think there would be some rummage tracks behind the carcass?