Get this poor girl a turkey within 20 yrds, he would be a dead bird. 4 arrow group. I am very proud of my wife. She has truly practiced her butt of to get ready for this turkey season and it has paid off. I just wanted to brag on her a little. Now I just gotta get her that turkey I promised called in. No pressure
I do to dangit. I promised her at least a shot at a bird this season, but have yet to make it happen. We got like 2 weeks to get it done.
Zach, You have to concentrate on the hunting, not the wifey while hunting!! I had to!!! Good luck to your wife, I hope she gets It done!!
Awesome stuff man, keep working hard, I know it would be somethin special for ya'll to get a bird together.
You'll get her one Zach. The most important thing is that she enjoys it and yall get to spend time together. But I will tell ya one thing, I would hate to be the bird that walks out twenty yards in front of her!
She's certainly ready. Does she give you a run for your money?:D Good luck to you and her. I bet you get her on a bird.
Turkey hunting can be very frustrating at times, but we have to get back out there and try the next day. That is probably the best lesson that i've learned from chasing after these dusty dinosaurs. So, even if you two don't get a shot opportunity, at least you spent a great day together in the woods. Best of luck man!!
Well I will say this, I had shot a trad group into the bottom target from 20 and her group was 1/4 the size of mine prolly less, therefore I was too ashamed to keep it in the pic.
Soon here, I will be getting my wife a bow. She now has expressed the desire to at least shoot at the indoor range with me. She is not a hunting girl, but this is a big jump for her.