We're toying with this idea at the shop and wanted some input.....We currently charge $5/hour, $10 max (u could shoot all day for 10 bucks) to shoot our indoor range. We're toying with setting up memberships for this. In other words, having a yearly membership fee to shoot unlimited hours on the indoor range, then maybe having another level that would include the outdoor 3D range. I have an idea in my head of what we may want to charge, but I just wanted to see what you guys think would be a fair price. Or if it would be something that would even work. Open discussion, no right/wrong answer. Just looking for input.
If I shot at a shop more, I would pay up to 200 bucks for a year. Anymore than that and I dont think i would pay it but i shoot at my house anyway so my opiniom mght not be the most valid.
I wouldn't charge that much to shoot,somewhere around $50-$100 bucks.The biggest draw of a range is getting them in the door to spend money on other stuff as well.Set the price too high it will most likely run too many off,especially in todays economy. I would also include a membership either partial or full with the purchase of a bow.Maybe something like partial for a bow and full mebership with a complete setup.
My shop charges $110 for a yearly unlimited membership. Just a 0-40 yard indoor range. I can shoot outside during the summer, so I dont pay it, but I pay $75 for his 12 week winter indoor league. Thats a little pricey I think
It depends MO. If I was shooting a league or 2 at the shop I dont know if I would go more than a hundred. No leagues, then I could see spending a couple hundred. I like to shoot at least 3 times a week in the winter.
Ok so.......How about something like this? ..........100 bones for unlimited indoor use, and 150 bones to have the outdoor range included. And maybe.........I dunno.......half price or something included w/ the purchase of a NEW bow.
I think $100 for the year is fair, and to juice more shop sales, include a 10% off with membership coupon/card to get ppl to spend more in the shop while they are there....
my shop charges $6 shoot all day indoor range of 20 yds. the nearby bow-hunting club, I believe, charges $100/yr shoot whenever you want on the outdoor course, but you also must put in a certain amount of hrs working on the property.
Pretty close to what we have. Well... when we had an indoor facility. It was $75 a year for both and if you bought a bow from there you received a free membership. Now it's the same price for the outdoor range only, while the indoor range is being constructed (1.5 years and waiting... apparently they used the wrong contractor :D).
I'm on the waiting list to join a bowhunting club for $100 a year, my son is going to be a junior member starting next week for $5.00 a year until the age of 18. It has 2-28 target 3D ranges, 1-28 target 3D broadhead range, elevated platform range, practice range out to 75 yards, campground, clubhouse/bar, firepits, a couple rabbit hunts thru out the winter etc, etc etc..... so personally I wouldn't pay very much to shoot indoors at a bowshop. The shop we used to shoot at was charging way to much money, for my son and I to shoot was like $18 for a couple hours. This is the main reason I started looking into a private club, plus its about 5 miles closer and only 15 minutes from my house!
The range I go to is 6 bucks all day 20 yd indoor with 3d targets you can put where you want.They give you a month free with bow purchase. I would absolutely pay 100 bucks a year. If they had an outdoor range I might double it.