Another thread about hunting shows had me thinking...I would like to see more blood trailing and shot placement talk on these shows...I know that everyone wants to see the buck and hear all the BS that they used to kill it, but I think a show would be enhanced if the archer discussed the blood trailing aspect and the shot about how far the deer went, how the blood trail was, where the shot was placed and why. etc....there have been a few shows lately that i was looking for an explaination of the shot and recovery but there was none...left hanging sort of.
I know what you mean. If you developed your opinion on hunting solely on watching hunting shows it would appear that basically all you do is draw and shoot. Then sometime later you walk 50' and there is your deer. It's that simple always right?
The show "Deer and Deer Hunting" spends a good bit of time looking at shot placement (where the deer was hit, shot angle, etc). It's one of the very few educational hunting shows I have seen.
Good point Jeff, it's a shame, people just don't want the truth and reality of hunting...Ted Nugent shows it all, love him or hate him, he shows that part. I respect that. I do like American Archer they are pretty good about things like this.
People want to sell things to get money. Most people who sell things use smokescreens in order to sell those things with less questions/concerns over the product, even if those questions/concerns fall within the reality of the situation in which they are being used.