How many of you would have a full body mount of this deer and how would you have it positioned? I would have it like the second picture.
That is one amazing buck right there. He's real tanker! That rack will score nicely too. Where was it killed and with what? I believe that's the biggest piebald buck I've ever seen. As far as doing a full body mount goes, that would be awesome. But the price tag would be as well. :D I'd have a nice shoulder mount done for sure. A rare trophy!
What a beautiful animal.. Heck yea, I'd get a full body mount. It would hurt the wallet but I think it'd be worth it.
cool buck man, if i had the money to mount the whole thing i think i'd have him standing proud, but that's just me. depends on how much money you have, room you have, lots of things.... hope you post the finished mount no matter how you decidde to have it done very cool and congrats
It was killed on a ranch in Texas a couple years back. I remember getting a zillion emails about it. The emails had it being taken in WI, MN and IL. (nevermind the cactus on the ground and dude wearing t-shirt) anyhoo... I'd probably just have a shoulder mount of it done. No room in this house for a deer body.. unless it's chopped up and in a freezer.
Sure would (full-body). I'm partial to the bedded full body mounts.....and I'd have it incorporated into a corner. Beautiful animal.
I believe it came from Texas, but I don't see any cactus in the background of the posted pics. Also, I've worn a tee-shirt in early Nov here in Pa before.:D
I didn't mean to imply I shot it. I wish I had though. A friend emailed it to me. I don't know anything about it, but I thought it was to cool not to post. I actually got this email in the past too so it's been around a while. Get a bigger house! LOL That would be nice. Corners are often wasted space anyway. I can't think of a better way to fill one. I bet you could find a good taxidermist that would mount it for free or material cost (fairly cheap) if you let him take it to competition's.
I would take a bunch of pictures of me with it, than phone up bass pro or somewhere like that and see what they would offer for the deer. I'm sure they would be intersted in something like that and pay good bucks for it. Hopefully put it in a local store where I could go and look at it and show it to friends.
Nope, no full body mount for me. Awesome rack but the deer looks like a red and white cow to me. For those who don't know what a red and white cow Is It's an actual dairy cow (Red and White Holstein). A shoulder mount would definitely be done though.
Steve, I'll agree with that! I doubt I would ever do any Buck Full Body. Well Maybe? but not him :-) Dan
If it was free range deer I'd do something special with it. If it was from an outfitter probabaly not. Either way I'd take offers ....