It seems like there was some serious nanny whacking (ok, and maybe even a buck or 2) goin on this past weekend. More so, it seems, than the last couple. I wonder why? Was it the moon phase? The weather? I know we're getting later into October, but could the "October Lull" be coming to it's imminent conclusion?
If I hadn't have had the restraints of a professional videographer on me trying to lay down perfect video you'd have seen two more as well... :D
It seems a lot of states are experiencing cooler than average temps lately. Maybe that is putting more deer on their feet during daylight hours. I'm not sure what the October Lull is.
lol........for me it was simply having an itch to scratch. I setup in that spot specifically because I knew it was a nanny stand. I haven't hunted a spot this year specifically for a doe yet, this was the first time. Before I was trying to setup on a number of specific bucks that I'd like to shoot. I've "lost" a good 8 pointer we had patterned up till a couple weeks ago, and I'm trying to figure out where he has relocated to. That stand was a good spot to see a good 100ish acres of field yet also cover an inside corner going into a freshly cut corn field. The second reason I was there was to try and see if I could figure out where that 8 might be right now.
Saturday evening I had doe's everywhere. Didn't see one buck. I saw roughly 15 does coming into the Milo and Eagle Beans right at dusk with 6-7 eating on acorns earlier.