This morning after my sit, I clipped my Mathews Vertix to my rope like always and began to lower it...I was about 20 ft up and as soon as there was tension, it got real light quick...I looked down and it was like slow motion, I watched as my new bow descended 20 ft to the ground...I was sick. it landed flat ...there was a bush that caught some of the fall but I looked down in disbelief. the ground was soft, and it did land horizontal , better than vertical. After I got down I inspected. every thing looked ok but I had to walk back to the truck and shoot it into my block to see..after about 25-30 shots all seems ok. no sight adjustment or rest issue that I can bent axles or leaning cams or splintered limbs from what I can see...shot great.... anyways, I guess I should take it to a shop and have them look over everything to be safe.. but a very bad way to end a hunt! the rope knot just came undone...been on there for 2 years..
Dropped my prime a couple years ago, shot the bow and was dead On. I ended up taking to my shop just to be safe and I bent the the bottom cams and had them replaced, worth getting it looked over to be safe.
Over the years I've dropped several bows from the tree. It never seemed to effect any of them. Just lucky I guess Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
Anyone use any kind of tether on their bow to prevent dropping it? PJ, glad it wasn't any worse. Hopefully, everything will be OK and back to the deer stand.
When I forget my rope , I have a small strap with a loop and a snap always in pants pocket. I loop one end and snap other to bow around my neck. Swing it around my back and have both hands free to climb. BTW I also have a strap with a large carabiner I attach to the front of my harness. Its wrapped in tape to avoid noise and I use this to hook to rungs above me as I climb when there is no " life line". It avoids a long drop in a foot slip, or unexpect dizzy spell and keeps you pretty tight to ladder.This would work on sticks as well ,just around main post above the steps.
I was in a hurry one evening and forgot my pull rope. I had some fishing line in my bag and used that instead. When getting down I tied a crappy knot instead of a proper knot and dropped my recurve from about 20 feet. I didn’t have any sights to knock of but it still scared the crap out of me
I never worried much about my recurve...they are so light..but you are right, it's never good drop a bow from 20 ft!!