Well I currently am shooting 4 in vains with a right helical twist with a WB right now and i am shooting great with them. But I was at cabelas and just poking aroung and decided to try some 2 in Blazer vains well I dont like them I cant seem to keep them on the arrow and it seems they are all over the place when I shoot them. Anyway I am thinking of just keeping everything normal and staying with y 4 in vains. Just venting and by the way this site is great! :D Scott
Extra dab of glue in front of the vane. The Blazers are kind of blunt at the front of the fletching and will rip off through a WB if you don't secure them extra well. Alot of people have had that same problem, but once they figure out just how to glue them on they are happy with them. I don't know too much about it other than that. Apparently it's just a difference in glue application that you can get by with on 4" vanes but not the 2" Blazers.
I also made small cut outs in my WB to let the blazers fly through. They are a more rigid vane as I'm sure you know....and they get more drag through the WB imo...making them easier to get torn off. I have 9 arrows with them and have shot them through a WB all year (many many shots) and I haven't had one come off yet. Don't give up just yet.