LOL, where are they, I think they left MI:p It's not saying much for my skills I check my camera on they other side of the farm, no pictures the last two days. I have a feeling they were on the other side of the river the last few days, I have thought now for the past few years the deer have a mini migration they follow. Sometimes I am covered in deer, and other times the farm is empty. What did you guys see the last two days?
I have seen 4 bucks, and 5 or 6 does. (On Saturday's Opener) The bucks were small and the does were out of range.
Saturday, 2 doe as I was getting out of my vehicle and almost got ran over by 2 more while getting my camo on, then 2 fawns directly under my stand just before sundown.
My guess is that the rural deer are stupid, but they're still smarter than the hunter's hunting them...:D J/K of course. Keep after em, you'll get em sooner or later.
They probably went to town to catch up on the latest "how to" on avoiding Buick's and bow hunters from their city smart cousins.