The farm is void of hunters, should I go hunting or play 18, LOL I am leaning towards 18 holes of golf, LOL
You've been working on your short game all bow season - get out and work on your long game before winter sets in :D. Those deer will be out there next week!
take your bow and climber with you, and while you are looking for your ball in the woods, keep an eye out for good sign to hunt after your round! :D j/k.... but a break from one obsession for another is always good
Absolutly should be hunting I hate Golf, and those hideous looking shoes they wear Man up and get in a tree :D
If you play one last round of golf this year, you'll remember how bad you suck and it could reallyhurt your self esteem. I say hunt since the farm doesnt have any gun hunters.
If IL would let us bowhunt during gun season I would definitely be in the woods right now. However they won't. So I am shampooing my basement carpet.
Hahaha!!! That hurts a little being from the Cleveland area, but sooo funny! Go hunting!!! Golf is fun, but hunting is BETTER!!!
I can't believe you would ask such a question... That's why Shed is going to lay the wood to you in the contest.... I think we all know what Troy would do :D
LOL, good point, but I went golfing, it's 55 deg out side here. I need some time to take my anger out, LOL You know why buckeye
In the words of Happy Gilmore, "Golf requires goofy pants and a fat ass." You should have went hunting:D Jk, though. The break was probably nice.
You could have said go hunting vs ___________ and I'd have chosen the ___________. I am fed up with bowhunting right now, lol. My number one spot is 2 feet under water because of beavers. My second best farm has had 3 cams on it and none have gotten more than a sporadic doe pic in about a month now and no one hunting it has even laid eyes on a deer, and my only other valid option of killing a buck I may not have permission to go on until NEXT season. Unless I can secure permission there for the very late season, my season (as terrible as its been) may be near over and I haven't even made it out much. No one's fault but my own, just looking forward to January and Arizona at this point.