I will be unable to attend this year's G2G. As you guys know, I've recently bought a house and at that time, I will be up to my eyeballs in paint, power washing, lawn work, etc etc. There's just no way this year. But those of you with my number, I expect, and hope for, some text updates over the weekend.
Oh crap was that text you sent me yesterday refering to this bomb shell?? Disregard my reply, I was confused. Glad to here about you getting the house but sad you wont be there yeah, ill keep ya updated
My house burnt down and I am still going to make it It's just two frickin days, work it in the schedule Diamond!
I'm with Scott on this one. You don't need to do everything in one weekend Donny-Boy. Suck it up and get your butt up here.
Ok, this is as good as I can do. Save me room in a tent somewhere and if we're not moving, or if my dad isn't in town and we're not painting or something, I'll be there. There's just no way I can commit to it right now. I have people coming in from out of town to help with some of the work, and it wouldn't be cool if they showed up to paint and I'm off camping somewhere. They're doing the survey today and if it doesn't rain, they'll be on the property working by Wednesday. It's not going to take them more than about 2 weeks to complete everything, weather permitting of course, so I'll just have to see how things fall. Save me a spot and I'll make it if I can. I won't know if I'm coming till the week of, though.
First, Ferg is leaving on Sat nite, now this. What the heck there Mobow?! Remember, each day goes by you can never get it back, just like GTG's. Your house will be there two (little) days later. You'll be humpn work out on that house for the next 10 yrs, so you gotta take some time to prep yourself up for the week's work. If you don't come, maybe the "family" is gonna come & see you.
I would pipe in here, but I did not make it last year and I am not going this year so that I can go to a baseball game. Mariners are coming to Milwaukee. Ya hoo
and that is a good reason. Madhaunter (aka:Casper) will be the only one sitting on the Seattle side, cuz nobody cares about that game.
Your reason sucks more than mine. You are not going so you can work on your house that is there every day of every week. I am going to a Mariners vs Brewers three game set that only happens once every three or four years. Plus, Every year at the end of June I take a kid to a Brewers game for his B-Day. Just so happens that it is when the Mariners are in town.
Diamond... it's time you wear the pants! You aren't gonna get all that stuff done in 2 days anyway... I know how you work. 2 beers, 2 hours of work, 3 beers, 1 hour of work, 4 beers, pass out. So, in 2 days you would actually get 6 hours of work completed. Be THERE!!!!
For real! I am skipping my College Graduation Ceremony to hang with the crew, the damn painting and drape ironing can wait!