I have shot Rage for the past 10 years. I have no complaints. But I wanted to look at what the swhacker head just to get an understanding of it. For the most part it looks really solid. Especially the #239 1.5 steel expandable. I never really knew how they worked to be honest. So from what I gather, they make a small entry and big exit. the rage makes a big hole entry and exit. I would love to hear from the swhacker guys about their experiences.
I love the way they fly.. quiet and tight. I have noticed that they rarely go straight through the enter and exit never line up. I think the blades open inconsistently. I bumped up my weight from 430 to 536 this year and I'll be able to review in about 17 days for you.
So this is worth reporting. It's 10pm I live in the country. My rd gets minimal traffic my house is down a winding hidden driveway . I do however live 34 from Rochester ( yes that Rochester) I am in bed watching tv when I see lights and hear a vehicle. I rack my pistol and sneak onto my porch without turning on any lights as a cube van(ghettoass one with breaker light out at that) backs down my driveway but stops where the woods stops. I watch a guy walk up to my house and when he gets to about 10ft my motion lifts activate and I'm there.... In my underwear with a . 40 trained on the FedEx guy. I told him this is the country man. Might wanna be careful. Long story short I just received my 202 swhackers
I bet he delivered another "package" in his pants when he saw you with that 40 trained on him. Sent from my SM-G960U using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
Better options. Sevr 2.0 or 1.5s and Slick Trick Raptortricks..... for deer i would go with Raptortricks
I have seen those sevr..they look good..I mean I ain't going away from Rage, but I wouldn't mind testing others..that raptor with the ability to change the blade thingy with the band is cool..I shoot 61# with a 26.5" draw the first ring would be me all day...not sure how it works though
This is an amazon prime driver who couldn’t get backed into my turn around for some reason. I can pull in and back a 12’ trailer in it and get turned all the way around. This Mf’er had it on 3 wheels, hung up in the gravel, decided to go through the yard and spun tires all the way onto the road.
I like the sevr 1.5 I like the blade retention better than Rage shock collar. I like the pivot blade design as well. Let me hear from the sevr guys out there. give you review and results from the field
Sticking to my tried and true small diameter arrows and Slick Trick Magnums. Simple for a simply stupid man...me.
I have been using the green 2" Swhackers for the last 5 years or so. One thing I will say about these heads is don't count on re-using them after they go through a deer. Blades get bent every time but they do kill quickly. When I say bent, I dont mean a big mangled mess but the blades do get tweaked. If the ferrel is not bent then you can easily just replace the blades. I probably get pass throughs 70% of the time, I actually added a 50gr insert this year hoping to add a little more punch to my arrow (Was 425 now 475). If you don't get a pass through the blood trail can be tough because you only have the small entry hole but they do a lot of damage inside and they don't go far if you hit vitals. Best of luck.
Lol we have turn arounds but hubby has filled them up with mower and a snowmobile trailers. I had to tell the mail man If you must turn around on lawn ONLY when frozen, other wise He's going to have a conversation with his boss. Hubby is just being a... Well stubborn about filling crators in drive... I've given up and now call them speed bumps....they work.
Fix your a bit closer than us but I now wake up if I hear a vehical coming up this hill. We have a neighbor just install a metal gate at the ed of his driveway and he lives there. We now not only lock the door but put a kitchen chair up under the knob. Can't do security lights...critters would have us up all night...
Bloodsport gravediggers, i will preach these until i die. By far best broad head ive ever used. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
I tried them and didn’t care for them, they fly great, make a good hole, but they are one and done. They hit dirt and bend too way, I had issues with them hitting a shoulder blade, well, one shoulder is the only experience with it. I went to a different BH.