where do I post to try to locate parts for a pse crossbow for my father in law? pse does not handle the replacement parts for this bow any longer. by the way, it is a 275 xb 150 lb crossbow and the saftey piece in the trigger assembly is broken. I can fire the bow, but I can not put it on safe. trying to get it set up for him. any help is appreciated. Dave
ummmm........ummmmm.....how old is the crossbow??? Im assuming hes the original owner of the crossbow correct? Wonder if PSE has an upgraded trigger mech. with a newer safety system thats interchangeable. I would be suprised if the trigger mech doesnt fall under their warranty program.
pse said they no longer carry those parts it was manufactured bewtee 96 and 98. I'm sorry, that doesn't seem that old to me. I know how fast bows change from year to year, but comon12 years old and obsolete? and on a safety item no less. I just ordered him a new barnett. he's gonna freak
the c5. I've read some reviews that it was a good shooting crossbow, but sometimes it had some difficulties with the safety mechanism? didn't sound like a big deal though I hope? it should be here tomorrow or friday at the latest.