Ive never planted a food plot, and honestly, wouldn't know where to start. I do want to get into it though. What are the basic tools I need to get started? I have a fourwheeler and thats about it. Whats the best thing for a beginner to plant? What kind of fertilizer and minerals and such do I need? When do I plant? Is there any good websites,books,etc on food plots? How do I utilize food plots for bowhunting? Im a complete newbie on the subject.
You can start here. http://www.bowhunting.com/blog/post/2009/06/21/Planting-food-plots-specifically-to-get-deer-within-bow-range.aspx or here http://www.bowhunting.com/blog/post/2009/06/03/Plant-the-seeds-in-the-spring-and-harvest-the-deer-in-the-fall-Thats-the-plan-anyway.aspx Also a great website is. http://forums.qdma.com/forumdisplay.php?f=10 If you need specific questions not covered give me a pm or ask away.