I am in a desperate hurry to buy a bow for my brother within the next two weeks so he can practice before season gets here. I am looking for a good quality bow that will go down to 50 and up to at least 60lbs. I need something that can adjusted from at least 26.5 to 28" draw length. It needs to be in the price range of $350 to $400. Please help a brother out with some suggestions if you don't mind. Thanks, LAEqualizer (formerly known as LT)
Take a look at this bow I have it on Ebay now. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&item=250273873757 It in great shape.
Nevermind Todd, I found it. Is the drawlength capable of going to 26.5" and the draw weight down to from 50 to 60 lbs? I need these particulars for sure. Thanks
You will have to do some internet research on the paticulars, The bow is at the office, otherwise I would go grab it.