the string that was on my black widow has finally worn out so now i got an excuse to head to the pro shop!! lol. i need some help picking out the right string? what are some charictoristics that make up a good bowstring? are there any companies that stand out from the rest?
Give Wes at Pro Strings a call , tell him Hoosier Daddy sent you and you will recieve 15% off your string
I make my own, flemish twist. I have used lots of material. I mysel would stay away from the new speed strings that some folks are making. I have tried the 8 strands of 452X, even 6 strands of 450plus and you have to double serve it, and pad the loops, and serving still can move. Yea, it will gain ya 5-8fps and slightly quieter but overall I won't do it again. I went back to the old standand Dynaflight 97 fastflight, 12 strand. with 4 strand B50 padded loops. You need to make sure your bow is fastflight capable, and all widows 10 years or newer are. When I bought strings, I always get Chad Weaver at to do them. Excellent job and specializes in trad strings unlike the the wheels string makers. Not saying they can't, but making endless loop strings is totally different than twisting up a flemish twist. 15-18 dollars a string is cheap. Most pro-shops only carry B500 or B50 strings, and 14-16 strand at that. Thats all I use on my homemade selfbows, but you want something different than that on your widow.
Thanks B C great info as always! my widow is 1993' model. i want the very best of everything on this bow that way at the end of the day there nothing to use as an excuse only my error and msake me wanna practice harder
i wanna get my string from this guy i went to the site and im confused on that it is i need? how do i know if my bow was made to accept ff type material?
Call the bowyer or check their website to see if your bow is FF compatible. Usually if the limb tips are reinforced with phenolic overlays, you’re good to go. If your limb tips don’t have overlays, stick to Dacron. If traditional archery is your thing though, learning to make your own string isn’t that difficult. There are plenty of tutorials online like this one (or check YouTube for some videos): Flemish Bowstring Buildalong
Post a picture of your tips. If its phenolic or antler or bone, you can use FF. I myself use FF even with wood tips. Only bad thing that has happened to me is cracked fiberglass tips on some limbs that were fiberglass layered. Call Chad and he will hook you up. You can always be safe and get B50.