I drive a 2003 chevey impala and last night for some reason when I opened my car door and my horn went off, it was stuck on. I had to pull the fuse to get it to shut off. Next, thing I noticed was that my head lights and reverse tail lights were still on...I have automatic lights that shut off. Every thing in my car was shut off. I tried resetting my lights and it still didn't help. I then pulled to fuse to get the lights to shut off. Whats wrong with my car??
Unhook the battery for about 30 min, this will allow everything to reset, try that and see what happens...
Sounds like either a computer issue or you've got squirrel damage! Reset the computer first and see what that does. Buckmastr got it.
It is going into the shop on Thursday...I will let you guys know. The Service Vehicle Soon light came on...Whatever that means!!! Lol hopefully its nothing to serious... I need to buy some hunting gear, yet!