I hate to say it, but I think I might be out of hunting for a little while. Season opened here in WI, but I didn't get out to hunt today. It was a too warm for my liking to hunt, and I don't care to hunt in the rain. What might take me out of hunting for a little while did happen today though. It wasn't anything hunting related, but I don't think I could climb a tree right now. I was setting cabinets in a house I'm working on today, and as I was carrying one from the living room area to kitchen I slipped on a piece of cardboard or paper. The only reason the stuff was on the floor was to protect the hardwood floor from any scratches or dings, but it was my downfall...LITERALLY! It wasn't just that I slipped with the unit, but when I did; my left leg went right down the stair well to the basement (open staircase) while my right foot stayed planted on the floor. I fell forward with the unit (36"H x 30"W) and I believe my foot is just badly sprained, but I'm not sure. I am very sure however that I can hardly walk and that my right foot is double its normal size and very purple. If the pain doesn't let off a bit tomorrow, I'm thinking I'll have to go see the doc. It helped tremendously putting ice on it tonight and a couple of pain killers, so I'm hoping it's just a sprain and will pass. I have a real bad feeling though that it's worse than I'm willing to admit to myself at this point. The woman wanted to go to the hospital as soon as she seen it, but of course I refused and decided to home medicate....lol I'll give ya'll a progress report tomorrow.
Hopefully it's just a sprain. I tore ligements in my ankle when I was playing basketball in high school, it is painful, and not fun. You can't really do much for sprains, and high ankles are the worse. If it is just a sprain, tie those boots tight, because you WILL do it again.
Suck it up, man up, take off the panties and put on some tighty whiteys and get your arse into a treestand or that ground blind! Need I remind you? Seriously my friend, heal fast and don't do anything to really mess it up. Get it checked and out there is the best therapy I know. :d
Bummer, that bites that's around this time of the yr. Keep your leg elevated as much as possible, especially when sleeping. Go get that thing checked out, to make sure that there isn't some real damage like torn ligaments. If it's purple, you busted some blood vessels in there. Don't mess around or it will take longer to heal. I hope you heal quickly, & get out there. Let us know what the diagnosis is.
Dang, i hate hearing of people getting hurt good luck, hope its not to bad. Rob i still get a kick out of those pics :d sew the hole up brother PS: I WASNT LOOKING, QUICKSILVER TOLD ME ABOUT IT
Well, it was just a dull ache all day today unless I tried to put any pressure on it....OUCH! It IS a lovely black and purple color now, and I can only wear a slip on shoe as it's all that will fit right now. I did take Kim out this evening as she wanted to go, but I just couldn't bring myself to walking the 500 yards to the nearest stand. I glassed one of the smaller bean fields from the truck, and I learned a new spot for a stand when I watched 5 shooter bucks come out to feed. They were all actually quite large with nothing under 130 and I think my eyeballs almost fell out looking at the one. I think he was probably the largest deer I've ever seen in my life, but they weren't near any of my stands on entry or exit of the field. It actually baffled me their entry and exit points, but ya learn something new every day. Rob, that ground blind is reserved for Kim's dad as I'd like to keep it untouched for him. He's still looking to get a shot with archery tackle, and I've shot quite enough in my life that I don't need to go bad enough to make things worse for my bad wheel. It also started raining about an hour into Kim's sit tonight so she returned to the truck looking like a drowned rat...lmao She only saw one slick head but wasn't offered a shot. She was pretty disappointed as she's the only one of us that doesn't have a buck sticker yet. I told her to sit out behind the house every night this week, there's bound to be a doe coming to check our apple trees soon.
Tough luck Snake! Really bad news. But like Rob said, you might feel a little differently once the weather cools down! Get well and good hunting!