maybe its the newness (honeymoon phase) of this longbow.. but I think I like shooting it more than my recurve! You guys with both.. do you have a definate preference between recurves and longs.. or does it just have to do with the "bows" individual unique it a long or curve?
I have always preferred the feel of a longbow over a recurve but I find myself hunting mostly with recurves. It's a tough decision but a good problem to have!
Jeff yeah those Three Rivers bows look nice, I was looking at my catalog the other day trying to match it up with your pix .. which model is your Tomohawk exactly?
I don't think so Troy as my recurves are typically on a a couple inches shorter than my longbows. I think the recurve is just easier to shoot. I'm just as accurate with either, but it seems to me I have to practice more with the longbow.
Jeff, I had an all bocote RER recurve that was sweet! I traded it for a Black Widow and ended up wishing I would have kept the RER. I think you will be pleased!
For me it comes down to being able to shoot a recurve better (or a non-traditional longbow) and that's why I like shooting them. Simple traditionally styled longbows are beautiful, but I don't shoot them very well. Those made with a heavier riser & high grip & palm swell(much like many recurves) I can shoot better & I think depending on woods & design are the coolest looking bows out there. I do love the look of some of the T/D recurves out there too which has thrown a huge kink into my T/D Longbow search. I like the limbs of a longbow, but the riser of a recurve.
Mohawk is its own bow, nothing to do with the Tomahawk bows made for 3 Rivers.
No offense taken Jeff! :d Looking forward to the shooting the Mohawk, can't wait to get my greasy paws on it! Thats a good way of going about it, getting the LXR, 2 sets of limbs, longbow and recurve limbs with the same riser, no problems switching between the two, for a excellent price to boot!
Yep, you can order them at a later date but costs more, might have to send your riser back to match it up with the Limbs! Sure is an instant back and a great way to go, especially if you plan on traveling! Sure is easy on the wallet as well!
Jeff, That CRX riser is nice. I loved that black wood in the photo. Too many choices. RER Firefly Hawk (RMSG) Ramparts (RMSG) Longbow-recurve-both?
Check out Ron Pittsley's bows. He makes some of the most talked about bows on the trad forums now. He makes the well known Pittsley Predator (one of the fastest recurve out there) in various lengths now, as well as the Phoenix longbow.
I love shooting them all, recurves, longbows, and selfbows. There is really nothing like shooting a bow that you made yourself from a split log. When crunch time comes though, I usually turn to the recurve. That all might change this year though when my new longbow arrives in a week or so.:d
I shot both. I like the the snappyness of a recurve and the smaller size. But I love the feel of a longbow. And with many of my designs, I put in lots of reflex, so they tend to shoot close to a recurve of a similar weight. Heck. I even like to get out a compound and shoot. Kind of like taking a sport car out for a ride.