And this is certainly in that catagory. The rattling antlers with 2 sets of antlers so it actually sounds like 2 bucks fighting! HAHA :D The best part is their garauntee. If you don't rattle in a big buck, they will give you your money back! Brilliant!
Well dang, I should have marketed my idea years ago I took 4 right sheds all about the same size, drilled a hole thru them at the bottom, ran a line thru them and take a long rope. Dangle them down from the tree and smack them on the ground, tree and limbs, Sounds like two bucks going at it. So far I have only rattled in 3 bucks, all small 1 1/2 yr olds and several does. But my buddy was hunting 200 yards away and said he could hear the comotion where he was at. To me you can't beat a rattle bag, a good one, small and easy to use without a lot of movement
The Acorn Cruncher as Jeff mentioned is ludicrous. I saw one at the National QDMA Convention back in July, and to say a cheap gimick would be a gross understatement....My jaw dropped in disbelief, and the guys working the booth were pushing them hard, had them dangling from their necks! lmao
Anyone else get a PM regarding these? I didn't even notice the price until I looked at the thread again. For $60 they should rattle on their own!! LOL
Ah yes the acorn cruncher, put a deer at ease with the sounds of crunching acorns, throw in a can of silly string scent and I'm hitting the checkout.
Totally amazing what people will buy these days. What is more amazing is that someone comes up with some crazy idea and can actually find other people to tell him he is onto something and should produce them.
Hey now, i had good results for $7 A couple turkeys first, that gobbler has a bullseye on him since our Fall season opened up on Saturday: Now some 1.5 year old bucks that were hounding does, the pre-rut is kicking in here in Ohio: This year im getting alot more doe traffic at scrapes then i have years past. No complaints about that, the real thing should help: This boy is the biggest i got on camera this week. Looks to be a nice 2.5, and he would be my best buck ever. He didnt stop to investigate the scrape though: More Does in daylight: More turkeys either fighting or dusting IN my scrape..great
Does, ambient wildlife..gotta love the quality and trigger time on this capture: Now my favorite series of photos from the week: Bastard, ive had them come to my scrapes before but never roll in them. and coyotes usually dont stick around for the camera..ill get him if he comes close enough. Boone and Crocket racoon. He must be part bear: Getting the scrape ready for the next week: