I have to admit, sitting in a recliner on the back porch, watching the sunset when it's 73 degrees, drinkin' and ice cold beer, little country music playin ... is pretty tough to beat.
Is that stinky head still out on the back porch? Cause that would ruin the fun, personally! :D I am kinda lovin' the weather myself. Got a few more days of sheddin' let to put in......
Some hot does, possibly. But if you only knew where he lived you would understand they stay "hot" all year looooong. :D
I'm lovin the weather as well... However, sitting in a computer chair, drinking coffee, enjoying a pinch of chew, and looking at some chemistry isn't really that hard to beat...
Good point Bols, and no, the stinky head is at the taxi... being boiled. And just for clarification... I don't live IN a sorority house, just very close to all of them. :d
I have to admit that slapping 60 miles on the bike after work in 60 degree weather after the Winter we had is coming in a close second right now.
Where did you do that? I thought you were in New Mexico... Kyle, I love chemisty, Math, chew and money... you get my proposition? :d
With the weather they have been having down there right now it would be "screaming" throw up....... :D
Sure, I like southern girls, and beer. I also enjoy hunting. Trade you for the Chem, and maybe some chew.. Straight up Trade?
Scott, you're brillian, you're the only one to figure that out... But the tricky part isn't picking them up, it's getting them to enjoy a beer on the porch with you :d